Membership Directory

Active Member

Any person, firm, partnership or corporation, both within the Continental limits of the United States and outside the Continental limits of the United States, which is directly engaged in the manufacture (pre-press, digital archiving, printing, binding, fulfillment & distribution, etc.) of books, shall be eligible to become an Active Member.

View our Active Members

Associate Member

Any person, firm, partnership, or operating unit within a corporate group engaged in the design, manufacture or distribution of machinery or supplies, or which provides services for the manufacture of books. Additionally, any person, firm, partnership, or operating unit within a corporate group which provides consulting and advisory services to the manufacturers of books shall be eligible to be an Associate Member.

View our Associate Members 

Institutional Member (non-voting)

An Institutional Member shall be any non-commercial organization that utilizes the services of the BMI member companies. Examples of an institutional member include libraries, government agencies, foundations, and/or other kinds of non-profit organizations.

View our Institutional Members